Mindfulness and Meditation


Mindfulness is the awareness of “some-thing,” while meditation is the awareness of “no-thing.”

Mindfulness induces a heightened state of present moment awareness and focused attention. Various studies demonstrate the practice can help relieve stress — as well as manage anxiety, reduce inflammation, and improve memory and attention.

When we are caught up in events or trauma from the past or spend time worrying about what might happen in the future, then we are not living in the present. Learning to be more mindful helps you to connect to internal processes that you may not be aware of that can influence your thoughts and feelings. It can help you to become more grounded, which increases feelings of stability and safety.

Be Kind Magazine explains grounding as something we have all felt without properly realising it. Remember the last time you felt ‘at home’, ‘comforted’ or ‘settled’ and in tune with your body. That is what being grounded feels like. Feel grounded in scientific terms can basically mean two things;

  1. Feeling connected with your body/ and or the earth

  2. Being fully in the present

There are many reasons why feeling grounded is so important for us as well as there being quite a few ways we can tune into our body and the earth to feel more grounded. Feeling in tune means feeling every sensation in your body and mind whilst just letting it be. It means being in the moment and just experiencing the world as it is rather than through past memories or a filter. You are living your life with intent and purpose rather than just passively watching your life go by. You are owning your feelings, emotions and body by just being in the moment and giving yourself the opportunity to express yourself and blossom.

Being grounded will also help you to:

  1. Quiet and clear your mind

  2. Calm and balance your emotions

  3. Recharge your energy

Grounding exercises will not only help your mental and emotional wellbeing but also your physical performance. To feel grounded feels like the nicest thing on earth. You are in the present so much that you do not worry about sensation in your body and mind whilst just letting it be. Whilst being present, it is also the most calming feeling in the world.

When we do not feel very well grounded, all sorts of problems can arise such as lack of sleep, anxiety, poor concentration, feeling easily deceived by others, feeling fatigued and generally feeling a lack of purpose and direction.

5 Ways to Practice Mindfulness Right Now

  • Stop what you're doing and take a breath. Take a moment to notice the sensation of your breath

  • Put down your phone

  • Do one thing at a time and give it your full attention

  • Find mindful moments in everyday tasks such as washing up or cleaning your teeth

  • Try and notice sensations in your body as they arise, however small

Mooji explains what living in the present really means in this video

Here is a gentle and restorative mindfulness practice for you to try with Penny Nichols.


The Power of Yoga and Breathwork